M I S S I O N E S T A T E S P R O P E R T Y O W N E R S ' A S S O C I A T I O N
All homeowners living on the east side of Mission Estates in the 11th Filing who have not submitted an executed Supplemental Declaration can download the attached document. Once signed and notorized please return it to the Association at:
Mission Estates Property Owners' Assn.
P O Box 69263
Odessa, TX 79769
As we drive through Mission it appears some of the sprinkler systems have been set to run for too long a period or one of the sprinkler heads is not working properly. This causes excess water to run into the streets and alleyways and in turn causes the asphalt to deteriorate quickly. Please check all your sprinklers to be sure you are not the culprit that is leading to street damage. Several homeowners have to drive through the water puddles causing their cars to get dirty and the hole to get larger. If your alley has potholes, please call Frances Seely at 432.661.2050 to report the location. She will contact the City and repairs will be made. The City likes to find where the water is originating so it does not continue to cause damage. Thanks.
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