M I S S I O N E S T A T E S P R O P E R T Y O W N E R S ' A S S O C I A T I O N
Can motor homes or trailers be stored on the street or on a driveway?
Reference: Article VI, Section 1. Paragraph G. 
No trailer, mobile home, boat, recreational vehicle, truck larger than ½ ton, or vehicle other than passenger automobiles shall be parked, maintained, stored or kept on a Lot or Tract unless housed completely within an enclosed structure approved by the Review Board. Approval of the enclosed structure shall be limited to those designs using materials compatible with the main structure on the Lot or Tract and which, to the greatest extent possible, conceal the boat, trailer or vehicle from view from any street, golf course or other public areas.
Can we have a garage sale at our home?
Reference: Article VI, Section 1. Paragraph J.
No manufacturing, trade, business, commerce, industry, profession, garage or yard sale, or commercial activity to which the general public is invited shall be conducted upon any Lot or Tract or in any building or other structure erected thereon.
Can we hold a One-Time Estate Sale?
The Board of Directors received several requests to allow a one-time only estate sale at a home. Homeowners are required to contact the Board prior to the sale to obtain written permission for the sale. Failure to do so will result in a fine.
Effective April 1, 2012, this section was changed to read as follows:
Provide for landscaping of at least 60% of the Front Yard as that term is defined above. On all Golf Course Lots and all Lots in the Fifth Filing, at least 60% of the Back Yard and Side Yards, as those terms are defined above, shall be landscaped. Landscaping shall include aesthetically pleasing decorative gravel, landscaping rocks, landscaper installed grass, pavers, ground cover and other materials as deemed appropriate by the Architectural Review Board. Landscaping shall NOT include bare dirt and homeowners will be expected to maintain their front yards in a neat, regularly trimmed and weed-free condition.
Can cars be parked in the street?
Reference: Article VI, Section 1. Paragraph F.
Except as otherwise provided herein, no trailer, mobile home, boat, recreational vehicle, truck larger than ½ ton, or vehicle other than passenger automobiles shall be permitted to park over night on any streets located within The Properties.
Due to the watering restrictions, the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions have been amended from:
Reference: Article VI, Section 5, Paragraph (4).
Provide for landscaping of at least 60% of the Front Yard as that term is defined above. On all Golf Course Lots and all Lots in the Fifth Filing, at least 60% of the Back Yard and Side Yards, as those terms are defined above, shall be landscaped. Landscaping shall include grass, trees, shrubs, vegetation and other plant life. Landscaping shall not include gravel, concrete, timbers or rocks except where used as borders, walkways, and accent pieces or as otherwise approved by the Review Board. A swimming pool, where approved by the Review Board, may be considered landscaping in calculating the minimum lot area to be landscaped.
From the Architectural Review Board:
Just a reminder, all plans for modifications or new construction must be presented to the ARB prior to beginning the project. The City of Odessa requires plans be approved by the ARB before issuing a permit. You may contact Jim Brown at 556-4414.